How to Reset Youtube Recomendation Page and Search
Eng RahmanCyber - Well... Hello Everyone in the world, We meet again... Now, I will show you short tips about YouTube... But in this article I will show you video, so You can learn more, but, I also give you some point how to reset YouTube Recommendation.
You know, YouTube Recommendation Page based on Your History, so..
It's so easy if you want to reset anything about recommendation,
First... You must Go to Your YouTube Account..
Watch history and search history
- Remove individual videos from your watch history: If you see recommendations on a subject you are not interested in, removing a video you previously watched on that topic may reduce the chance that you’ll see similar recommendations in the future.
- Remove individual queries from your search history: If you see recommendations on a subject you are not interested in, removing a search query you previously entered on that topic may reduce the chance that you’ll see similar recommendations in the future.
- Pause history: You can pause your watch or search history when you do not want your watches or searches to influence future recommendations and search results. For example, when you are researching a subject for a school project that you aren’t personally interested in. Remember to resume your history when you’re done.
- Clear history: If your recommendations aren't relevant to your interests, you can clear your search and watch histories. Tip: If you use your watch history to re-watch videos, you may want to add those videos to a playlist or "Watch Later" to find them again easily.
Remove recommended content from Home page
If you aren't able to follow these instructions, you're likely using the old version of YouTube. If you're using a newer browser, update to the current version of YouTube.
The following recommended content can be removed from the Home page on your computer:
- Videos
- Channels
- Sections
- Playlists
To remove a recommended video from your homepage:
- Hover over the recommended video or the X for a section you’d like to remove.
- Select More next to the title of the video or playlist.
- Select “Not interested” to remove the video from your feed.
You can also make sure that videos from specific channels don’t show up again in your recommendations by selecting the menu, and then “Don’t recommend channel”.
Clear “Not interested” and “Don’t recommend channel” feedback
Your “Not Interested” and “Don’t recommend channel” feedback may be used to tune your recommendations.
To clear all of the “Not interested” and “Don’t recommend channel” feedback you’ve submitted:
- Go to My Activity. You might need to sign in to your Google Account.
- Find Other Google activity in the menu on the left hand or under the My Activity banner.
- Select "YouTube 'Not interested' feedback," then select Delete.
View our other articles for more information about watch history, search history, and improving your recommendations.
Manage playlists and liked videos
Your recommendations and search results are also based on videos that you’ve liked and playlists that you’ve created. You can remove liked videos and edit or delete playlists to influence your recommendations and search results.
That is some tips about How to Reset YouTube Recommendation page and Search, correct me if there something else in that article.
ENG RahmanCyber
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