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Create your own HTML Parse Code on Blogger

The html parse tool (parser / converter tool) is a powerful way to parse or convert Google Adsense or Chitika scripts or ad codes, or other ad codes to be inserted in the blogger template HTML so that ads can appear on your blogger blog page.


Small Tool Parse HTML

The usual way is to paste the adsense ad script code in the parser/converter tools area, then click on the empty column below it. Then the parsed/converted adsense ad code will appear or the html code that you use for the tutorial can be displayed on the page without running.

so how do you make  Parse HTML tool like above? This is how to make your own HTML parse on our blog, it can be placed on the blog page or it can also be placed in our own blog post.

okay, in this tutorial we will discuss how to make the latest HTML parse on our respective blogs or websites, you can place this code anywhere if you want, the demo that is posted is like the tool above:

Please just copy the HTML Tool parse code below 

<span style="font-family: &quot;arial&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace; font-size: large;"><b><br /></b></span>
<span style="font-family: &quot;arial&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace; font-size: large;"><b>Small Tool Parse HTML</b></span></div>
<b><div class="style1">
<span style="font-family: &quot;arial&quot; , &quot;courier&quot; , monospace;"><i><br /></i></span></div>
<div style="text-align: center; width: 100%;">
<div style="margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; width: 100%;">
<div id="mainDiv" style="padding: 2px 0;">
<textarea cols="20" id="tarea" onfocus="code_check();" rows="10" style="font-size: 12px; height: 211px; margin: 0px; width: 591px;"></textarea>
<br />
<div style="margin: 0 auto; padding: 5px 0;align:left;float:left;width:100%;">
<b><button onclick="code_convert();" style="margin-right: 5px;" type="button"><span style="font-family: &quot;arial&quot; , &quot;helvetica&quot; , sans-serif; font-size: large;">Parse Kode HTML</span></button>
<button onclick="code_clear();" style="margin-left: 5px;" type="button"><span style="font-family: &quot;arial&quot; , &quot;helvetica&quot; , sans-serif; font-size: large;">Clear</span></button> </b></div>
function code_check(){
var focuscheck=document.getElementById('tarea');if(focuscheck.value.indexOf('Pastekan Disini Kode yang Akan Anda Pasang pada Postingan Blog')>0)focuscheck.value='';}
function code_clear(){
var wtarea=document.getElementById('tarea');wtarea.value='';}
function code_convert(){
var ctarea=document.getElementById('tarea');var toConvert=ctarea.value;
var toConvert=toConvert.replace(/&/g,"&amp;");
var toConvert=toConvert.replace(/'/g,"&#039;");
var toConvert=toConvert.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
var toConvert=toConvert.replace(/</g,"&lt;");
var toConvert=toConvert.replace(/>/g,"&gt;");

Think about it, friend, how? now you can create your own HTML parser right?  ^_^

Hopefully this knowledge is useful, don't forget to share with your friends so that they also know how to make their own HTML Code Parse that has been tested to run. 

Okay, I've previously shared in a blogger tutorial that's been a long time, friend, 4 months ago it seemed about  how to make a 100% Working HTML Parse Code  aka already in Test... hehe,

Even though there are very few fans, maybe it's rare for anyone to install parse tools on blog content. What are you trying to do... 

HTML, JAVASCRIPT, PHP Parse Code Functions 

So for those of you who have a Tutorial Blog, whether it's html programming or even a Blogger tutorial like RahmanCyber, the Blogger Tutorial Division, this is an important thing... hehe

So why is it important, it's really important, especially if you post code that can be easily active on blogger, for example HTML, PHP, Javascript. If you force directly write HTML, PHP, Javascript code on Blogger, then the code will automatically be active, even though you have sandwiched it with Pre and Code codes.

Honestly, I've tried this before, I've even tried TextArea, but that's how it is, the code can be activated, and when you edit it... Buuummm, I lost the code that you typed. It's long.

So, that's one of the functions of the Parse Code Tool.

What's the other function?

Another function that usually plays adsense, before everything was automated by Google, we need this tool to embed the adsense code on the blog... er, if it's manual, it's still needed, right?

Because we also need, for example, that the ad wants to be fixed, we display it in the middle of the post, where we need to put it in the edit html, not in the Widget... So we need to parse the code first.

Therefore, if you can make your own Parse Code Tool, it's good... you don't need to look at neighboring sites... ehehe e 

What is HTML, Javascript, PHP Parse Code? 

Okay, let me explain... Parse HTML, Javascript, PHP is a tool to convert HTML, Javascript, and PHP code into inactive characters, aka plain text. Why do we have to parse HTML, PHP, Javascript code? Because this blogger theme uses XML format. While in XML itself, he can read HTML code, Javascript and PHP.

So when you write the code even in the post, the code will still be active... yes, it's as simple as that. So, we need to parse the code first.

Here is an example of HTML, Javascript, PHP code that changes when converted using this kind of script converter/parse. 

  •     from < to &lt;
  •     from > to &gt;
  •     from " to &quot;
  •     from ' to '
  •     from & to &amp;

Well, actually the manipulation is in the code, because by changing some of the characters that often appear, the code that my friend made becomes inactive. 

Parse Code HTML, JAVASCRIPT, PHP Version 2

1. Open your blogger dashboard first.

2. Select the Static "Page" or "Pages" menu or you can also make it in Posts

3. Create a new Page by clicking the "New Page" button at the top if on a Static Page, or "New Post" if on a Posts page.

4. Each Static page and Post There are two choices of modes, namely Compose and HTML, if you want to write an opening paragraph, please select Compose mode first, then select HTML mode to put the code.

5. Copy and paste the HTML Parse Box Script, JAVASCRIPT, PHP version 2 below 

 <script type="text/javascript">
function convert(){var ele1 = document.getElementById("somewhere");var replaced;replaced = ele1.value;replaced = replaced.replace(/&/ig, "&amp;");replaced = replaced.replace(/</ig, "&lt;");replaced = replaced.replace(/>/ig, "&gt;");replaced = replaced.replace(/"/ig, "&quot;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#177;/ig, "&plusmn;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#169;/ig, "&copy;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#174;/ig, "&reg;");replaced = replaced.replace(/ya'll/ig, "ya'll");ele1.value = replaced;}
</script><br />
<table style="margin:0 auto"><tbody>
<tr> <td><textarea id="somewhere" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(248, 248, 248); border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); height: 300px; width: 550px"></textarea><br/>
<input onclick="convert();" style="padding: 5px;" type="button" value="Parse Script" /></td> </tr>

Okay, Publish right away! Holaaa it worked it worked hurray!

So that's how to make a parse code Html, Javascript, PHP Version 2, I hope it's useful... For those of you Bloggers who are still learning... and blogger friends who have been, but forgot ^_^ 

Attention! Just paste the CSS code right away, because it's not active if it's not called... 

HTML, Javascript, PHP Parse Code Test Results

The following is the result of our study, friend... The result is something like this... and the Parse tool is already VALID HTML 5 

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