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How to keep bloggers from being lazy to blog / create posts

Currently blogging activities are quite tempting right? maybe for those of you who have seen or heard of AdSense, surely you will be tempted by the income that can be created from the activity of placing these ads, maybe I am one of them, indeed I did not know the name adsense what I thought was only One is how I can share the knowledge I have gained.


Why Am I Blogging?


hmmm not ding :D ..., actually the purpose of my blocking was to record or record anything I learned and what knowledge I had received from the teacher so that later when I needed it it would be easier to read the notes.

I never thought that blogging could be more than that. when I was still in Vocational High School, when I first entered Vocational High School I started to know the world of blogging, even though I didn't have a medium for blogging, but fortunately, the kind of media that can be used at my school is the computer room with an Internet connection, so I usually hang out there. until the night even until the guard kicked me out... uh, no kidding... heehe the guard was good... he just told me that he wanted to go home... wkwkwkwk

But at least it became the beginning of all my blogging activities.

Until I was said to be an ICT watchman, just imagine..


You know, it was a tough time, when my other friends were enjoying the SMK period, given gadgets, cameras, laptops and maybe a computer and internet connection at home... while it was different with me.. ^_^ so as a result I was busy with my own world.. Yes, although besides that, I participate in various extracurricular activities,

And as time passed, my ambition became more and more.. really, my heart was pounding looking for business opportunities on the internet at that time,

In 2009 imagine yourself that the internet has not become as popular as it is today, even at that time Facebook was the beginning,

When my friends are already in the craft of chatting.. social media, etc., I still just dwell on my own world, that time is a valuable time for me to be able to earn an income.
But in reality it hasn't produced anything… hkhkhkhkhk… AdSense means...

But when I did Prakerin, my blog paid off, at least for hosting a stall… so in the past I got an order to make a Traffic Simulation Application using FLASH, it used to be Adobe Flash CS 3, right..

Not bad… that was when I started teaching too… I felt like I was missing out… even though I was still in high school, so it was good to add more to buy a used computer in Jogja.


Ever Tired of Blogging?

Hehh... no need to ask again, back and forth, meaning sometimes bored... then the blogging mood will come back again... so it keeps repeating...
But friend.. knowing the potential is what makes me feel bored again.. even though sometimes I'm bored but it's only temporary… "It's like saying you work like that, there's saturation, right?" So what do you do when you're bored?

Is there blogging income?

I'm even more personal, friend... Not from RahmanCyber NET, right, because it's a bit difficult if this knowledge sharing site is made a business... then it won't even share knowledge hehe,

So I don't have a blog, not just one, genks… there's something that I focus on for business.. and that's even more profitable, if you add it up, your income has reached more than 50 million, maybe compared to other master bloggers, that's not much income. yeah... but here I'm not in full time blogging, aka just for the side, bro... and not bad, I can connect to my own lectures, or help my father and mother pay for my brothers and sisters...

You know, today's education isn't cheap... :D

What's the blog address that produces it?

It's a secret… that's the company's kitchen.. hehehe, “I realize that I'm not as successful here as the master bloggers out there who earn hundreds of millions… but what's clear is that it's not worth it.

Wow, you're lying, right?...

It's up to you to believe it or not, what is clear is that this is still related to the theme of the discussion this time... "How To Not Get Tired of Blogging"... The point is, you use the blog as well as possible to make money... later you won't get bored.

Tips so that you don't get bored with blogging!

So, here I will explain the tips that I usually practice in Rahmancyber when I'm bored... Yes, please if it's suitable, if not.. No need... :D 

#Do not continue, if bored!

Eits... Don't think anything else, Friend RahmanCyber... So we need to shift our focus to other things... hmm... Refreshing like that, for example, or just a walk... Hangout with friends... you know it's okay to be alone like me , you can walk anywhere, or just take the BRT bus to go around the city, then come back, no problem.

#Blog Management!

Yup, usually this is also a factor that makes you bored… that is when your blog is not well managed.
Usually, people who like blogging have hidden abilities… That is management, let's just think of it as a lesson for us to be able to bring out that power… Hihihihi… We can start from Labeling Posts / Categorizing like that... 

#Join the Blogger Forum

Yup, by joining there… then you will get a new power… namely, the feeling that "You are not alone in the blogging world!" there are many people out there who are also in this field... So... Join... :D

But keep in mind, if the group has started TOXIC and talks a lot about irrelevant and useless things or even the content becomes negative... Just leave it... Leave Group! 

#Install TLD Domain!


Yup, when you already have a TLD domain... for example, like and no longer, you will have super powers that appear to inspire you to blog.

So it feels like having your own Authorship.. full power over your website, so the possibility of being bored in the long term will be thin... hehe

"Yeah, well, every year the bill comes out… hkhkhkhk"

Just click on it, we try to get recommended items, which are really our choice...

#Make Blogs an Additional Source of Income

Yup ... as Sira Shira discussed above ... The point is, you use the blog as well as possible to make money ... then you won't get bored. Remember.. what you write can bring in potential visitors who can buy your product!

So start learning to make MONEY from Blogs! later you won't be bored... Insyaallah


Those are some tips on how to not get bored with blogging from Sira Shira... Hope it's useful and if you want to share this article... Please, comment please, ask something... just go to the comment box... Or Join the RahmanCyber NET FanPage at https://

Oh yeah Btw... here I am doing PodCast... yes, that's one of the ways to get rid of blogging too.. hehe, you can stop by at

it's also appeared on Spotify... hehe,

Sis How to make a podcast so that it can be on Spotify? NEXT.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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