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Resolving Comment Reply not working on Blogger

MyShorTTips here!  | Blogger - The comment feature on Blogger is important, what if it suddenly doesn't work? I tried to check the structure in the comment thread section, uh, apparently nothing has been changed ..

This is what we experienced yesterday, of course this is the result of me doing a large website optimization , 

including Page Speed optimization, especially for mobile displays, which should be kept to a minimum ...

Research results that spawned a Blog Optimization Notes . In My Indonesian Blog... ^_^

However, it turns out that I just realized yesterday that the replay button in the comment box is not working.

After I checked again, I found the problem ..

Menghilangkan Render Blocking JavaScript dan CSS di Blogger

Not the bundle.css ..

But it's in the Optimization to Eliminate JavaScript and CSS Render Blocking on Blogger.

Yes, I practiced how to eliminate Render Blocking, so that the speed value of my blog on Pagespeed increases ..

461 / 5000 Hasil terjemahan

Previously, I used how to turn off Blogger external js& css files using b: css = 'false' and b: js = 'false' in the html tag ... but it turns out that the appearance of my Indonesian Blog, namely RahmanCyber.NET, is RANDOMED .. ^ _ ^, yes it is clear ... because of that function to turn off css and js ... haha

Then I used another method by manipulating the Head and Body code.

The method is as follows

I Go to the Blogger Dashboard: Theme / Themes> Down triangle icon> Edit HTML, and look for the code< head> and change to like below

 & lt; head& gt;  

Then I did the same thing the same for the code < / head> and I changed it to:

 & lt; / head& gt;& lt;! -< head /> -& gt;  


then in the body, I also don't forget to replace the code < / body> be:

 & lt;! -< / body> -& gt; & lt; / body & gt; </ code > 

... and Finish. Save the template ...

Next, I checked on Pagespeed and ... it really worked!

But the method is clear ... random display .. hehe, because of me turn off the Head function which means b: skin or the CSS in it also does not it works .. hehe

Then why do you practice Johnshon! 

Curious ...

Then I tried to practice changing the body part of the code< / body> be:

& lt;! -< / body> -& gt;& lt; / body& gt;

That's all, and the Head is still< head> and the cover / fixed head< / head>

Ok .. it works .. it's work ..

And when I realized the problem ... where is the reply button or not work...

Haha ... oh it turns out.

Then the solution to overcome the error comment Reply Widget is?

Return to normal ..



That's a few tips from me, from the results of updating the display to suit the current pagespeed algorithm ...: D

Oh yeah, actually The Eliminate Render Blocking Resource above only applies to displays that are mobile versions, for desktop tests that don't exist ..

So it's not simple ..

That's all ...

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